Blog - Healthcare

Five Reasons Employers Should Offer Non-Insured Benefits

Enhance Employee Benefits Amid Rising Healthcare Costs and Evolving Workplaces In the benefits world, the one thing we can rely on to be consistent is change. The demographics of the workplace are constantly evolving – generational shifts, varying more


Battle of the Bulge: Innovative Wellness Solutions for Employers

Three Creative Ways to Combat Employee Obesity America’s obesity epidemic is weighing heavily on our healthcare system, and employers are paying the hefty price. More than half (57%) of American workers now classify themselves as overweight, up from more

Employee Benefits

4 Clever Ways to Help Employees Stretch Healthcare Dollars

In today’s healthcare climate, employers are searching for new ways to help employees stretch their healthcare dollars. Self-insured employers in particular have every reason to encourage workers to tap into their HSA and HRA plans whenever more


Healthcare Savings: There’s An App for That

Today’s consumers expect to have information at their fingertips. Take my son Jacob for example. He is 18 years old and constantly on his iPhone. While I typically use a computer to do research, my son will use more


Be a Discount Benefits Hero, Not a Zero

It’s not easy being a broker in these tumultuous times. But as the old saying goes, challenge begets opportunity. As the benefits industry continues to shift and evolve, now is the time to become a leader and innovator. It’ more

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Ebola: Fact or Fiction?

There is no mistaking it. Today’s Americans are on heightened alert regarding their health. They want immediate answers. The question is, where are individuals finding these answers and are they reliable? From the first confirmed case of Ebola more