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Hello. My Name is Dulce and I am Addicted to Change

Plenty of people claim they embrace change, but we all know most of them are stretching the truth. I can tell you without hesitation that we not only embrace change—we’re addicted to it. We’ve continued to grow because more

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Cover Your Asset

There is no question an organization’s number one asset is its people. If an employer wants to boost their bottom line, they must take care of their most important asset. Many employers believe competitive compensation is enough to more

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Financial Stress: How Much Does it Cost?

The Affordable Care Act was designed to reduce healthcare expenses, but it doesn’t address costs caused by stress. Countless studies show stress increases the risk of health conditions like obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, depression, gastrointestinal problems and more


INFOGRAPHIC: HDHP Enrollment Has Tripled

Enrollment in PPO and HMO plans has declined in the last five years. Consumers transitioning to a high deductible plan may be losing their first dollar coverage and struggling with the increased out-of-pocket costs. Now is the time more

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Telehealth – Is Now the Time?

I wish every question in health care had such an easy answer. Consider this: An analyst with the market research firm IHS predicts the United States telehealth market will grow from $240 million today to $1.9 billion in 2018, more