
Embracing Telehealth in Benefit Conversations

Posted on: January 21st, 2015 by New Benefits Blog

Brian Latkowski

Don’t Be a Late Adopter to Telehealth

Years ago, I invited a friend over to watch a football game. After a controversial play, he asked me to rewind and pause the game so we could see exactly what happened.
When I told him I couldn’t do that, he looked at me like I had two heads and said, “You mean you don’t have TiVo?” It turns out I was the only person in our group of friends who didn’t have a DVR. I was a (gulp!) late adopter. Why do I tell you this? To save you from the embarrassment I felt during that game. Soon after, I purchased TiVo. And of course, this brilliant technology has revolutionized my television viewing experience.

Similarly, Telehealth can greatly improve your benefit conversations with your clients. Don’t wait until your clients ask you about this valuable benefit. Because if you have to admit you don’t have it, you’ll look like you are behind the times.

A Growing Demand

Employer interest in Telehealth is skyrocketing. Implementation of Telehealth programs is expected to reach 37% in 2015, with another 34% considering this option in 2017[1]. It’s time for brokers to get educated about this increasingly popular benefit.

Here are four critical Telehealth facts you need to know:

1. Telehealth is the ideal solution for common illnesses. 

This benefit is most commonly used for:

  • Sinus problems
  • Urinary Tract Infection
  • Pink Eye
  • Bronchitis
  • Upper Respiratory Infection
  • Nasal congestion
  • Allergies
  • Flu
  • Cough
  • Ear infection

2. Telehealth is incredibly easy.

Here’s how it works: Once a member completes their medical history online, they’re ready to request a phone consultation. A doctor calls back within 16 minutes, on average. The doctor listens to the member’s symptoms, diagnoses the issue and prescribes medication when necessary. The doctor then calls in the prescription to the member’s specified pharmacy of choice.

3. Telehealth saves employers a bundle.

This valuable benefit redirects ER and urgent care over-utilization to a more affordable option. Check out just how much employers save through Telehealth[2]:

  • Average cost of an ER visit = $1,477
  • Average cost of urgent care = $163
  • Average cost of a specialist = $196
  • Average cost of primary care physician = $131
  • Average cost of Telehealth consultation through New Benefits = $0

4. Telehealth drives employee engagement.

New Benefits provides each member with a personalized welcome kit and membership card. We can also provide drip marketing including brochures, flyers and emails to keep Telehealth front of mind throughout the year.

Don’t be the only one in your group with an old flip phone. Add Telehealth to your lineup today. New Benefits specializes in offering Telehealth with other non-insured benefits to provide a complete healthcare solution. Give me a call to learn more about Telehealth and other innovative solutions.

– Brian Latkowski, EVP Global Sales

Copyright © 2014 by New Benefits, Ltd.  All rights reserved.

[1] Source: Towers Watson 2014 Health Care Changes Ahead Survey Report

[2] Source: Teladoc, 2014.