
Mobile App Options

Choose from three mobile app customization options: from simply updating the logo and colors within the app to complete white labeling, including the application name and icon.

My Benefits Work Mobile App Customization Options

Coordinate Inside the App to Your Brand Colors

Our app offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing you to tailor the app to align with your brand’s aesthetics. From the hues of the buttons to the navigation bars, many aspects can be customized to reflect your brand identity. By taking control of these customization options, you’re not just personalizing the app; you’re crafting a cohesive brand experience that resonates with your audience. Elevate your brand presence and make a lasting impression by infusing your app with the distinct colors and style that define your brand.

New Benefits Mobile App

Opting for the New Benefits mobile app branding option guarantees a consistent and easily recognizable experience, preserving the New Benefits logo and colors throughout the interface. 



Full White Label App

Take charge with our White Label mobile app option! You’re in control, with your own branded app available on Google Play and the App Store which features full customization to match your company’s branding. Customize every detail to reflect your company’s identity, including a personalized splash screen and custom colors throughout the app creating a bespoke app experience for your members.