Virtual care, anywhere. 24/7 access to board certified doctors and pediatricians from where it is most convenient for you—home, office, or on the go. During your virtual consult, your physician will diagnose non-emergency medical issues and offer a treatment plan including prescriptions, when medically necessary. Your life is 24/7. Now your doctor is too.
  • Average time to consult with a doctor by phone, secure video, or mobile app, is less than 10 minutes and $0 per visit
  • Non-emergency conditions include acne, allergies, sore throat, cold, flu, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, ear problems, headache, insect bites, pink eye, respiratory problems, and more
  • Prescriptions can be sent to your pharmacy when medically necessary
  • Browse doctor profiles, view available appointment times, schedule an appointment with the doctor of your choice
  • Activate your account using your First Name, Last Name and Member ID exactly as they appear on your membership card
  • You must complete your Medical History before requesting a visit
Copyright © 2021 MDLIVE Inc. All Rights Reserved. MDLIVE may not be available in certain states and is subject to state regulations. MDLIVE does not replace the primary care physician, is not an insurance product and may not be able to substitute for traditional in person care in every case or for every condition. MDLIVE does not prescribe DEA controlled substances and may not prescribe non-therapeutic drugs and certain other drugs which may be harmful because of their potential for abuse. MDLIVE does not guarantee patients will receive a prescription. Healthcare professionals using the platform have the right to deny care if based on professional judgment a case is inappropriate for telehealth or for misuse of services. MDLIVE and the MDLIVE logo are registered trademarks of MDLIVE, Inc. and may not be used without written permission. For complete terms of use visit